Villanueva, El Cafetal barrio. Girls talk under the rising full moon in El Cafetal barrio, Villanueva, with the Serrania de Perija mountains in the background. While rough hewn and leathery in sound, vallenato lyrics are usually plain written and sugarcane sweet. Everyday events, passion, eternal love, village folklore, travelogues and miracles blur in the telling; voices crack, crackle with emotion in a music that so influenced Gabriel Garcia Marquez that he once described One Hundred Years of Solitude as a 350 page vallenato and inspired charcters such as ".Remedios la Bella". Vallenato translates as “born in the valley” and originated from farmers who mixed Spanish and West African rhythms, vallenato was long derided across Colombia as unsophisticated cowboy music, before it was championed by the country’s intelligentsia.