ARTS: El Cafetal: Cafetal_FLedit2-68

Boy at home feeding his rooster. Cockfights are very important in this region, a social and cultural weekly event that never fails to get these small rustic arenas overcrowded. The cock becomes a symbol of virility, a hero and a reason of hope for many Cafetaleros. Cock-fighting is used as a means for economic gain and an improvement in one’s standing in the community. People live with their cocks, feed them and treath as pets. Kids grow up with cocks and grow up with gallera’s stories (often mix reality with fairy tales). A gallero never wants to have to make dinner from one of his own roosters, but when he does, the meat is the best to be had. After all, a fighting cock has been pampered all its life, fed the best food and exercised daily.

Boy at home feeding his rooster. Cockfights are very important in this region, a social and cultural weekly event that never fails to get these small rustic arenas overcrowded. The cock becomes a symbol of virility, a hero and a reason of hope for many Cafetaleros. Cock-fighting is used as a means for economic gain and an improvement in one’s standing in the community. People live with their cocks, feed them and treath as pets. Kids grow up with cocks and grow up with gallera’s stories (often mix reality with fairy tales).

A gallero never wants to have to make dinner from one of his own roosters, but when he does, the meat is the best to be had. After all, a fighting cock has been pampered all its life, fed the best food and exercised daily.